On November 08, 2007, AVID CLUB hosted a CSU workshop for Alhambra High School senior students who had not applied to the CSUs, and were in need of help.
LEFT PICTURE: AVID Club Secretary, Carolina Guia, helps Senior Ashlee Morales enter course information and grades on her online CSU application.
AVID Seniors from Mr. Sanchez' 12th Grade AVID class helped coach AHS students on the application process. Every student who attended was given eligibility information, started an account on CSU Mentor, and started or submitted their CSU applications.
RIGHT PICTURE: AVID Club Adviser, Mr. Sanchez, helps AHS senior with questions about fee waivers and financial aid information on her online application.
As many as twenty students showed-up (roster of participants is available upon request), including 12 AVID Club seniors.
LEFT PICTURE: AVID Club member, Jeff Virata helps a couple of students not only complete their CSU applications, but also start online applications for other universities, such as Arizona State University (ASU).
1. Parent Conference Planner Sale (Nov. 19)
2. AHS College Week (Nov. 26-30)
3. UC Application workshop (TBD)