Saturday, December 22, 2007

Winter Social--Ice Skating (12/20)

Eventhough the semester has not yet ended, AVID Club has had a successful semester helping senior students apply to CSUs, UCs, and create a college going atmosphere at AHS through College Week. Furhtermore, AVID Club has done well fundraising and selling planners, as well as in the Food Fair.

(LEFT: Mr. Sanchez with AVID Club members, Carolina Guia (12th--Secretary), Jennifer Olivares (12th--Treasurer), and Russell Martinez (12th--member).

As a form of celebration for their many accomplishments this semester, AVID Club hosted a Winter Social Event at the Pasadena Skating rink on the evening of Dec. 20. Many active members of the AVID Club showed up for a magical evening of ice skating in Pasadena.

(RIGHT: AVID Club member, Samantha, not only sports her new AVID sweater, but also her skating skills on the ice.)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Food Fair (12/19)

As part of the food fair activities this fall, AVID Club sold BRC burritos from El Pollo Loco. As soon as the food sign was posted, and the food arrived, the BRC burritos were a hit!
(RIGHT: AVID teachers, Ms. Burkhart and Mr. Bourbois, purchase AVID Club BRC burritos, as they sport their AVID sweatshirts.)

Four AVID Club members participated in the Food Fair event: Anthony Ortiz (12th Grade), Javier Munar (12th Grade), Carolina Guia (12th Grade), and Olivia Lozoya (10th Grade).

(LEFT: Olivia Lozoya (10th) & Carolina Guia (12th), sell BRC burritos during the Food Fair.)

AVID Club did sell all items during the first 20 minutes of first lunch, so it was quite successful. AVID Club will be requesting to sell BRC burritos during the Spring Food Fair as well.

(RIGHT: Anthony Ortiz and Javier Munar, sell BRC burritos for AVID Club.)

Friday, December 14, 2007

College Door Decorating Contest (College Week) 12/14

As part of College Week, AVID Club sponsored a College Door Decorating competition as a method for creating a college going atmosphere at Alhambra High School. Executive co-sponsored College Week, by creating college related events in the quad throughout the week.
While it was difficult just selecting three top winners from the 15 classrooms that participated, AVID Club members judged the College Doors based on "Originality, Creativity, and the Ability to Create College Awareness" on campus. Below are the top three winners in order:

1st Place--Mr. Venti (Room D-314): AVID Club selected Mr. Venti's College Door as the first place winner because of it's message: preparing students on the road to college, from Kingergarten to 12th grade. The Door provided accurate measure of the activities students must complete at each grade level or on the road to college. Mr. Venti's 3rd period class has won the first place prize of pizza party.

(Right: Mr. Venti's College Door, being explained by two of his students).

2nd Place--Mr. Brambila (Room A-33): This classroom was selected as a second place winner for their ability to not only promote college awarness on campus, but to demonstrate that each student in Mr. Brambila's class has a college plan. The Door included a picture of each of the students in Mr. Brambila's 3rd period class, with a description of their college and career goals. Mr. Brambila's 3rd period class has won the second prize of donut party.

(Left: Mr. Brambila's College Door).

3rd Place--Ms. Keenan (Room D-212): Ms. Keenan's class was selected as the third place winner for their ability to promote college awareness both at school and within her class. Aside from designing a college door, Ms. Keenan's students participated in college and career research while in class. Ms. Keenan's 3rd period class has won the prize of donut party.

(Right: Picture of Ms. Keenan's College Door).

AVID Club would like to thank the 15 different classroom teachers and students that participated in the College Door Decorating Contest this Friday as part of College Week.

(Below: AVID Club members who paricipated in the College Door Contest judging, in order: Stacy San [9th], Jasmin Manza [10th], Lucia Carlin, Treasurer [12th], Jennifer Olivares [12th], and Richard Garcia [12th]. Mr. Sanchez only voted to help break a 3rd place tie.)