Friday, May 30, 2008

SAT Workshops (April 09, 2008)

In an effort to create a college-going atmosphere at Alhambra High School, and train students on how to take the SAT exam, and practice taking the exam, AVID Club hosted the first of a series of workshops after-school for students.

(LEFT: AVID and non-AVID students listen to Ms. Keenan, as they practice on English reasoning questions.)

The first workshop was led by English Teacher, Kristin Keenan on Wednesday, April o9, 2008, after-school. She was able to offer students test taking strategies, went over practice questions, and offered practice exams and suggestions.

(RIGHT: English Teacher, Kristin Keenan, leads the first of a series of SAT workshops for AHS students through the sponsorship of the AVID Club.)

1st SAT Workshop: English Reasoning hosted by Kristin Keenan
2nd SAT Workshop: Math, led by Abel Bourbois
3rd SAT Workshop: SAT Practice Test administered by Princeton Review
4th SAT Workshop: SAT Results & Suggested, led by Princeton Review

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